Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Soundarya Lahari - Part 72

The concept of, say, a  Shakti of ten pounds of weight does not arise unless there is something to which the weight can be related or referenced. A fragrance or a colour is certainly an abstract Shakti, but it has to have an Ashrayam for it to exist as a fragrance or a colour. Thus for every Shakti there is an Ashrayam.

The Shakti that is the origin for all the known Shaktis has itself an Ashrayam and that is the ShivaM-Brahman. It is the Shakti of that Brahman. So it cannot be separated from its Ashrayam. You cannot separate the whiteness from milk, or the taste of milk from milk. So by the expansion of Shakti whatever happens there is ShivaM also in that expansion.  In all actions of Shakti, ShivaM has to be present.


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