Sunday, April 1, 2012

Soundarya Lahari - Part 62

The word ‘spanda’ is exploited in Kashmir Shaivism to establish two things. One is that the universe is not outside of Brahman and two, Shakti itself is not an external action on  Brahman.  Shakti is abhinnam - non-separate - from ShivaM. 

Among the various shaiva darshanas, what comes nearest to our Acharyaís advaita is this  spanda-shAstra.  On  mokshha both say the same thing. But instead of saying that the universe is  mithyA, created by MAyA, this school includes not only  MAyA as well as the  Ishvara of advaita vedanta in their  Shakti. According to them there are 36 fundamentals.  Of these ShivaM is the first and Shakti is the next. But immediately they say that the  ShivaM which is ‘sat’ (Existence) has always the ‘cit-shakti’ within it. Therefore ShivaM is sat-cit. The Ananda appears when the play of reflection, producing the universe, starts as a sport.


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