Thursday, November 15, 2012

Soundarya Lahari - Part 290

Thus the identity (sAyujyam) that shloka 22 talks about in its third line has something to do with jnAna, bhakti and shakti. It is not the Brahman-realisation spoken of in advaita.

Now we shall take up the pun on the words ‘bhavAni tvaM’ in the shloka. As soon as the devotee utters the words ‘bhavAni tvaM’ as a beginning for his full sentence: ‘bhavAni tvaM dAse mayi vitara dRshhTim sakaruNAM’ the Goddess is ready to grant him the highly merited sAyujyam (identity) with Her. What is so powerful in those two words ‘bhavAni tvaM’? This is where the poet has played with Sanskrit grammar.


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