Friday, September 14, 2012

Soundarya Lahari - Part 228

The poets of the previous shloka were those noble persons who obtain the proficiency for poetry from ambaaL. Among those noble persons those who reach the nAyikA-bhava (attitude of the beloved)
towards the Almighty are only a few (‘katicit’); these are the ones who can sing of Her Love in the proper manner.

The ecstasy they enjoy and give in singing is called ‘ranjanaM’. There is a pun on this word here. It is made up of two words ‘ram’ and ‘janam’. The consonant ‘ra’ itself denotes ‘red’. It stands for two kinds of fires. One is the ordinary one; and the other is the fire of love (kAmAgni). ‘ram’ + ‘janam’ means that which causes red. It means ‘to cause love that is red’.


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