Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Soundarya Lahari - Part 316


Why did I get into all this metaphysics? It is to tell you that the ‘samhAra’ state, namely ‘Dissolution’ is what is nearest to the turIya, the Brahman. Neither in the jAgrat (waking) nor in the svapna (dream) is the jIva as restful and unperturbed as in the turIya-samAdhi state. 

But he is so in the sushhupti (deep sleep) state. But again that calm that he obtains in the sushhupti state is not an ‘experiential’ calm. It is so only in the ‘samAdhi’ state. That is of course true. However, when compared to the jAgrat and svapna states, the sushhupti state is the one nearest to the turIya-samAdhi state.


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