Thursday, December 20, 2012

Soundarya Lahari - Part 325


Yes, it is alright --, in the following sense. If they had been different from ambaa, they would have certainly been destroyed in the Dissolution. But they are in advaitic oneness with ambaa. They are the ‘tvAm-aham’ upAsakas. They are the ‘I am one with You’ entitites. In other words they are one with the devI. Of course this devI is not the attributeless (nirguNa) one. How can there be a nIrAjanaM for the nirguNa

The first line of shloka #30 means .You who are surrounded by divine powers like aNimA, which are all rays emanating from Your own body.. This itself says we are talking of the saguNa form only here. The identity or oneness (sAyujyaM) that is talked about here is the same as the ‘bhavAni-tvam’ idea of shloka #22.


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